Monday, October 02, 2006


A senior VP operations was recently sharing his experiences with a few of us juniors when he in no uncertain terms told us that HR was all about understanding the business - which means understanding the macro picture of how money comes in and wealth is created. He, for one, used his HR folks as a sounding board before taking business decisions, for getting a different perspective on things. Being a core operations guy, his insights were amazing... "HR guys are clerks if they do not know the business as deeply as the business head knows"

Doesn't this somewhere sound a lot like the Raja Rishis of yore? Well read, mentored guys with powerful insights into day to day operations, right hand guys for the business head!

Think about it... will write in detail about mentoring for HR guys sometime...

Naga Sid

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, I cant agree more with your VP. For that matter any function should know what the end goal is and why they are doing what they are supposed to do.